"Service Above Self"
Making a Difference

On New Year's Eve, we celebrated our 2024 accomplishments and looked ahead to 2025. We raised over $4800 that will go towards college scholarships and our
Arthur & Polly Mays Conservatory of the Arts projects!

Our Club and fellow PCRPB Rotarian and philanthropist Wilbur Bell provided groceries and gift cards to 42 families in need this holiday season.
Our 2023-2024 Impact
Monetary and in-kind donations provided to students who are experiencing homelessness and to under-resourced schools in the communities we serve.
Number of high school students sponsored to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA).
Scholarship money raised for graduating seniors at Robert Morgan High Sch00l and Cutler Bay High School.
Donations of food and gift cards to support families in need in our community.
Donations provided to Montego Bay, Jamaica to construct bathrooms and wash stations in a rural high school that lacks indoor facilities.
Our Rotary Club In Action

Supporting the Students at
Arthur & Polly Mays Conservatory of the Arts


Join us in making a difference! Our Rotary Club donations play a vital role in supporting the students at AP Polly Mays. We are proud to provide in-kind donations that help students succeed in both their art magnet programs and academic subjects. By supporting these talented students, we are investing in their future and fostering a vibrant community of creativity and learning. Together, we can make a difference!
Together We Fight Hunger and Transform Lives

Our club delivers pantry food every two weeks throughout the school year to a local high school. We also provide clothing items, school uniforms, and toiletries as needed.
Each year, scholarship money is awarded to several deserving graduating seniors.